prophetic destiny

Steve Magill, author of the new book Revelation and the Age of Antichrist, says "Russia's revived treaty with Syria is important because the Antichrist will appear out of Syria. Scripture also records Russia as the feet of the Antichrist ordained to mobilize his empire."

Magill notes that in Daniel 7 an empire with the national symbol of a bear will be on the world stage concurrently with three other empires, also known by their animal symbol. These empires are identified as a lion with eagle wings (Great Britain and the United States); a bear (Russia); and a leopard (Islam). Never in the history of the world have four empires with these animal symbols appeared on the world stage at the same time.

When Antichrist's empire is formed, it will be the fourth, brutal beast of Daniel 7, the composite beast of Revelation 13:2, and the new world order realigning all nations into ten economic/political regions, known as the ten toes of Daniel 2:42, 7:24-25, and the ten horns of Revelation 13:1.

Russia's Syrian aggression is one more confirmation that the last days are ending and earth's last seven years and the age of Antichrist are at the door. It appears the feet of the Antichrist's empire is getting ready to attach itself to Islam, the body of the Antichrist.

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