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How can you know that you're a Christian?
How can you be sure that you are God's child, that you have a personal relationship with him? What can you do when doubts about your faith arise?
First, trust his word.
Your salvation does not depend on anything you can do, but only on what God has done for you. If you have invited Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Lord, his word promises that he has done what you asked him to do. He has forgiven your failures and sins, and made you the child of God. You have his word on it:
Your salvation does not depend on anything you can do, but only on what God has done for you. If you have invited Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Lord, his word promises that he has done what you asked him to do. He has forgiven your failures and sins, and made you the child of God. You have his word on it:
- 1."Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). From the moment
- you "believed in him," you received eternal life.
- 2."Whoever lives and believes in me will never die" (John 11:26). You have eternal life, right now.
- You will never perish. When you breathe your last breath here on earth, you breathe your first breath
- in heaven.
- 3."My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life,
- and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand" (John 10:27-28).
- You are not holding onto him--he's holding onto you.
- 4."If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
- (2 Corinthians 5:17). You are a new creation, the child of God. It is not possible for you
- to return to where you were before you met Christ.
Second, trust God, not feelings.
There will probably be times when you don't feel close to God, when you don't feel like going to worship, or reading the Bible, or praying. But the Bible nowhere tells us how it feels to be a Christian. Our feelings depend on many factors besides our relationship with God. They are the caboose at the end of the train of faith, not its engine.
If you're married, there may be times when you feel closer to your spouse than others--but you're still married. An employee's feelings about her employer don't change the fact that she has a job. A student's feelings about his teachers don't change the fact that he's in school. Feelings don't change facts.
Unfortunately, we still sin and fall short of the people our Father wants us to be. Fortunately, our assurance is not based on our abilities but God's grace. He says that we are his children. His Son died to pay our spiritual debt so we could join his eternal family. This is the word of the Lord.
There will probably be times when you don't feel close to God, when you don't feel like going to worship, or reading the Bible, or praying. But the Bible nowhere tells us how it feels to be a Christian. Our feelings depend on many factors besides our relationship with God. They are the caboose at the end of the train of faith, not its engine.
If you're married, there may be times when you feel closer to your spouse than others--but you're still married. An employee's feelings about her employer don't change the fact that she has a job. A student's feelings about his teachers don't change the fact that he's in school. Feelings don't change facts.
Unfortunately, we still sin and fall short of the people our Father wants us to be. Fortunately, our assurance is not based on our abilities but God's grace. He says that we are his children. His Son died to pay our spiritual debt so we could join his eternal family. This is the word of the Lord.
Third, live your faith and it will become real.
It takes as much faith to believe in God now as it did when you first trusted in Jesus. Faith is a relationship, and no relationship can be proven. No married couple can prove to someone outside their family that they love each other. No friends can prove their friendship to those who have not experienced it. It's impossible to explain love to someone who has never felt it. Relationships are self-validating--the more they are experienced, the stronger they become.
So don't wait until you feel close to God--act as though you are. Read his word, pray, worship him personally and publicly, and get involved in the life and work of a local church. Act on your faith, and you'll find your faith growing deeper and stronger.
You were made by God to know Jesus and make him known. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the only piece that will fit the hole in your spiritual jigsaw puzzle. He is the hub into which all the spokes of your life fit, the "true north" on your compass. If you haven't entered a personal relationship with Jesus yet, I sincerely hope you'll pray to meet him today. If you know him, I hope that you'll help someone else know him. Helping people follow Jesus is the greatest joy in life.
It takes as much faith to believe in God now as it did when you first trusted in Jesus. Faith is a relationship, and no relationship can be proven. No married couple can prove to someone outside their family that they love each other. No friends can prove their friendship to those who have not experienced it. It's impossible to explain love to someone who has never felt it. Relationships are self-validating--the more they are experienced, the stronger they become.
So don't wait until you feel close to God--act as though you are. Read his word, pray, worship him personally and publicly, and get involved in the life and work of a local church. Act on your faith, and you'll find your faith growing deeper and stronger.
You were made by God to know Jesus and make him known. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the only piece that will fit the hole in your spiritual jigsaw puzzle. He is the hub into which all the spokes of your life fit, the "true north" on your compass. If you haven't entered a personal relationship with Jesus yet, I sincerely hope you'll pray to meet him today. If you know him, I hope that you'll help someone else know him. Helping people follow Jesus is the greatest joy in life.
sumber : https://www.denisonforum.org/why-jesus