Pay it forward community

Pay it forward community is helping others those in need. Our principles is “the bless must be flowing to others and forever”. This community is open for a partner who ones to share their bless. This community is founded in 14 january 2015, through a few people who would like to share with others. Our communication through social media such as bbm, phone and others untill now. We are a virtual community. These days, the technology is giving us more easy to give and to share our bless with each others. So do it now, join this community.
We are commited to give one hundreds thousand rupiahs every month. And every month we decided to divided to three person that need (can be change according to member). Especially sick people and dont have much fund. This community will be develop to another field.
If you would like to join us or have a question, please send an email to with the subject “pay it forward”

Pay it forward community is openly for public. We would encourages people to share their blessing with a faithfull heart and real. 

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